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Facvltatis Medicae In Academia Lipsiensi H. T. Procancellarivs D. Ioannes Carolvs Gehler Anat. Et Chir. P. P. O. Fac. Med. Assess. Coll. Min. Princ. Collega Civitat. Lips. Med. Obstetr. Panegyrin Medicam AD D. XXXI. Ianvar. MDCCLXXXIII. Indicit De Vini Ferro Advlterati Docimasia Disserens (p. )
Facvltatis Medicae In Academia Lipsiensi H. T. Procancellarivs D. Ioannes Carolvs Gehler Anat. Et Chir. P. P. O. Fac. Med. Assess. Coll. Min. Princ. Collega Civitat. Lips. Med. Obstetr. Panegyrin Medicam AD D. XXXI. Ianvar. MDCCLXXXIII. Indicit De Vini Ferro Advlterati Docimasia Disserens